Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How To Get Facebook Marketplace On iPhone

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Scam Not Affiliated With Facebook

How to Access Facebook Marketplace

I usually consider myself smarter than this But somehow I ended up downloading this thinking it was some new app from Facebook to use their Marketplace feature. After going back to the App Store and looking at who the developer of this app is I realized it has NOTHING TO DO WITH FACEBOOK AT ALL. Also, as many other one star reviews have noted, it is impossible to sign up for this app to work. I used three separate emails and never once got a confirmation email to allow me to create an account to login. I also keep getting the same FAKE MESSAGES over and over from people asking me to respond or supposedly sending me a photo of something. I have come to realize these messages are just fake, trying to get me to sign up….But when you go and open the app the first screen you see every single time is trying to get you to pay money for a subscription. After reading all the other negative reviews its now obvious all they want is to get your money for an app that doesnt actually work. BEWARE!!I actually used my Facebook login several times to try to log into this app and now I pray they have not gotten my Facebook login to use for other scamming reasons.

No Account Confirmation Email

I was never sent a confirmation email for my account. Since I had no email to confirm my account, they decided to shut it down. This is sort of a catch 22 because I cant confirm an account with an email that doesnt exist. Theres no way to contact any help through the app so Im essentially locked out with no way of getting back in. Theres no apparent option to have the email resent either. Im getting messages from people on the app despite being logged out too. I cant respond to anyone because of this. Im just glad I didnt buy or sell anything before this happened. Also, theyre so aggressive about getting you to pay for their subscription service. Literally every time I open the app, and even sometimes when Im using it . I hate giving bad reviews, but this app is a mess. If anyone on the development team sees this, Id be willing to fix my review if you could get me back into my account.

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