Thursday, July 25, 2024

How To Get Grid On iPhone Camera

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Emphasize Important Part Of A Close

How to Turn on Camera Grid | iPhone Tips

Luis Fernandez; iPhone Photo Masters Student

You might not immediately think to use the rule of thirds when taking close up photos, but this wonderful flower photo demonstrates just how effective it can be.

The center of the flower is the focal point in this photo, so Luis made an excellent choice to compose the image with this element positioned on the junction point of two gridlines.

Whenever youre shooting close-up photos, always ask yourself where you want the eye to be drawn to. Then try positioning that area of the subject off-center according to the rule of thirds.

Benefits Of Using The iPhone Photos App For Editing

With so many iPhone photo editor apps available, it can be difficult to know which ones to use.

The iPhones built-in Photos app is often overlooked as a photo editor. But the redesigned Photos app in iOS 13 has a lot to offer when it comes to editing your pictures.

Depending on your editing needs,;the Photos app might be all you need for improving your iPhone photos.

Benefits of using the Photos app to edit your images include:

  • No need to download additional third-party photo editing apps
  • Edit your images without having to leave your iPhone photo library
  • Suitable for beginners as well as more advanced users
  • You can change settings for Live Photos and Portrait Mode after;taking the shot
  • Edits are non-destructive, allowing you to change or remove your edits at any time
  • You can also edit videos in the same way that you edit photos

Volume Up/down Burst Mode And Quicktake

It’s long been possible to press the volume buttons to snap a photo when the Camera app is open, but this shortcut functionality is expanded in iOS 14. If you long press on the Volume Up button you can take a series of photos in quick succession, which is known as Burst Mode.

If you press and hold the Volume Down button you can activate QuickTake to capture video without having to take the time to go into video mode.

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Position The Horizon Line On One Of The Horizontal Grid Lines

This tip is primarily for landscape photos. When taking a photo that includes the horizon, you can add interest to the scene simply by placing the horizon line on one of the horizontal grid lines. If the sky is more interesting, place your horizon on the bottom grid line so that the sky takes up most of the scene; if the foreground is more interesting, place your horizon line on the top grid line so that the land or water takes up the majority of the image.

Solution: Tweak Your Exposure

iOS 11 Makes A More Powerful iPhone Camera

Heres a quick test you can try.

Hold up a piece of white paper in front of your camera and let it fill the frame, dont adjust anything and take a photo. Notice how the camera creates a general grey tone, the white paper looks grey.

White paper in front of the camera without adjusting exposure is captured as grey

This is just a reminder that if youre photographing a painting that has lots of white in it and you hold your camera so the painting fills the entire frame, the camera will tend to underexpose the image and your whites will look grey.

Exposure compensation is key. In other words, you are going to have to adjust your exposure manually.

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iPhone Xs/xs Max: Lock Screen Tips

Open camera from the lock screen: Instead of swipe gestures, Apple has incorporated a camera button in the bottom right corner of the lock screen. Press it, and you’ll go straight to the camera app.

Switch on your torch: Just like the camera, there’s a lock screen button for switching on your torch/LED light. Press it, and you’ve got a torch.

Tap to wake: By default, you can wake up your iPhone XS or XS Max just by tapping on the screen when it’s in standby. It’ll light up and show your lock screen.

Raise your phone to wake: Simply pick up the phone in standby and it will wake up showing you all the notifications you’ve got on the Lock screen. To turn this feature on or off go to Settings > Display & Brightness > Raise to Wake.

Notification Centre: On your lock screen, as usual, new notifications pop up as standard. However, if you want to quickly get to older ones you’ve read or ignored, swipe up on the middle of the lock screen and it’ll show “Notification Centre”, collating your previous notifications. Be careful not to start from too low down, otherwise you’ll just unlock your phone and go to your home screen.

Clear notifications: With Notification Centre on screen, press the little “x” in the corner and tap the “clear”.

How to access widgets on the lock screen: Another really simple one. Swipe from left to right on your lock screen.

Portrait Mode: Achieve Blurred Background

If you want to put more emphasis on the person in your photo and blur everything else, try using Portrait mode. It achieves an effect similar to that of DSLR cameras, when the subject of the photo is in focus, but the background is blurred out.

You can switch to Portrait mode just like you switch to Video or Slow Motion within the Camera app. Just swipe on the slider at the bottom until you land on Portrait mode. Once youre in Portrait mode, follow the on-screen prompts that will let you know if youre too close or too far from your subject, or if you need to add more light to the picture.

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What Is The iPhone Camera Grid

The camera grid is a feature which divides the frame of your photos using four lines which run horizontally and vertically along the screen.

When activated, it shows 9 squares overlayed across the screen.;It looks like an empty tic tac toe grid, but theres much more to it than that.

Placing objects in your photos at the points where those lines intersect can make them much more visually striking.

Leave Space For The Subject To Look Into

iPhone 6: How to Enable / Disable Camera Grid Lines

Luis Fernandez; iPhone Photo Masters Student

You can also use the rule of thirds to compose photos where your subject is looking to the left or the right of the frame.

Its best to leave more space in the direction of their gaze as this gives them room to look into. Similar to moving subjects, it allows the viewer to follow the subjects gaze and;get an idea of what they were looking at.

If you leave more space behind them than in front, it would appear that;they were looking out of the frame. Sometimes this can work as it creates a sense of mystery, but in general you should leave more space in front of their eyes than behind.

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Crop Your Photo To The Rule Of Thirds

Even if youre just randomly snapping photos and not paying much attention to the rules, you can still implement the rule of thirds by cropping the image. Heres how to crop your your iPhone photo into a rule of thirds composition:

  • Open your photo in your Camera Roll and tap Edit.
  • Tap the crop icon at the bottom of the screen.
  • To retain your photos current dimensions, tap the rectangle in the top right and then choose Original.
  • Drag the edges of your photo until youre happy with the composition. Grid lines will appear to make this easier.
  • Tap Done to save your photo.
  • Clean Your Camera Lens

    It seems obvious, but you wouldnt believe how many times Ive taken a photo only to realize that my lens was smudged or dirty. Always check your iPhones lens for debris and smudges. This is especially important for the larger iPhones, since the camera lip makes it easier to trap debris.

    Also, while were on the topic of cleanliness, be sure to clean your screen. If you cant see what youre framing properly due to smudges, then it can hurt your ability to snag the photo that youre after.

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    Use Rule Of Thirds To Compose Abstracts

    Ashwin Prasad iPhone Photo Masters Student

    Similar to shooting close-ups, if you have a scene that has an abstract quality with patterns, lines or textures, you can use the rule of thirds when experimenting with the placement of different elements.

    Look for lines and other objects that you could position along one of the gridlines or at one of the junction points. Use these elements to split the composition into one;third and two thirds.

    This technique is a very easy way to create a harmonious composition from basic abstract elements. Ashwins decision to use the railings in one third of the photo;is a great example of this.

    Its Easier To Frame Your Subjects

    6 Tips to Take Better Photos With Your Phone

    When we take out our phones to snap a photo, we usually put the subject right in the center and think nothing of it.

    The subject is the entire focus of the photo, so, therefore, should be in the middle, right?

    According to professional photographers, thats not the case.;Not only is that method bland and unimaginative, its not even the best way to display a subject.

    Using the camera grid to match the subject up with lines on different sides of the screen actually draws more attention to them in more subtle, artistic ways.;That way, you get the most out of your pictures.

    When shooting portrait photos, align the subjects eyes with the grid; theyre usually the most important part of the shot.

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    iPhone: Why You Should Use The Camera Grid

    Why you should;turn on your iPhones camera grid, and how: Want to take professional-looking photos with your iPhone?;Wondering how to take your snaps to the next level?

    Theres one cool iPhone camera feature that youve probably been missing, and its called the, camera grid.

    Its surprisingly simple and requires no extra downloads. Scroll down to learn more about the iPhone cameras hidden secret and how to use it.

    Check Tutorial Of Enable The iPhone Camera Grid To Take Better Pictures

    So after a lot of requests from our users here is a guide about Enable the iPhone Camera Grid to Take Better Pictures.

    Turn on the iPhone camera grid makes it easier to take better photos by providing a simple visual grid guide to improve the photo composition. Well show you how to turn on the grid on iPhone camera, and also how to use the grid to compose photos.

    When the camera grid is turned on, a grid will appear on the screen of the camera as a faint overlay of a nine-quadrant, three-by-three grid, this can be referenced to facilitate photo composition using the rule of thirds. Lets get right into it and get it feature, then we also briefly discuss the rule of thirds.

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    Set The Focus To Ensure Your Subject Is Always Sharp

    Even if your lens is perfectly clean, sometimes your subject just doesnt look sharp.

    Thats because the cameras autofocus doesnt always focus where you want it to.

    To ensure your subject is always in sharp focus, youll need to set the focus point manually.

    So, how do you set iPhone camera focus?

    Its actually super-easy!

    Simply compose your shot, then tap on the screen where you want to set focus.

    A yellow box will appear to indicate the focus point.

    Now, just press the shutter button to take your photo.

    The area that you set focus on will appear crisp and sharp.

    Anything in front of or behind the focus point may appear out of focus.

    Setting the focus is one of the best mobile photography tips you can learn.

    Its so simple to set focus. And it results in beautifully sharp photos that will stun the viewer!

    Adjust Exposure To Control Image Brightness

    iPhone 11 Pro: How to Enable / Disable Camera Grid Guide

    The exposure setting in the iPhone Camera app lets you control how bright or dark your photo is. This helps you avoid taking under-exposed or over-exposed images.

    It also gives you creative control over the tone or mood of your photo. You can brighten the exposure to communicate a happy or carefree mood. Or reduce the exposure to create a dark and moody vibe.

    So where is the exposure setting in the iPhone 8 Camera app? This is one of those hidden iPhone camera features that most people dont even realize is there!

    When you tap the screen to set the focal point, youll see a sun icon next to the yellow focus box. The sun indicates that you can adjust the exposure level. Swipe up to brighten the exposure, or down to darken it.

    While its easy to adjust exposure in this way, its useful to understand how the exposure is set when you tap to focus. Its actually very simple. When you tap to set focus, the camera sets exposure for that part of the scene.

    So the area thats in focus will be correctly exposed, with plenty of color and detail. The examples below show how exposure is affected when you set focus on different parts of the scene.

    In the left photo, focus was set on the sky.;Since the sky is bright, the exposure is automatically adjusted down to ensure this part of the scene has good color and detail. But as a result, the darker areas of the scene are under-exposed.

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    Choose A Filter To Enhance Colors

    The iPhone 8 Camera app comes with nine pre-loaded filters. These iPhone filters add color saturation, contrast, clarity, and drama to your photos.

    You can apply a filter after youve taken the photo using the native Photos app. But did you know you can also apply filters at the time of shooting?

    If you shoot with a filter applied to your photo, you may not need to do any editing after taking the picture. And the great thing about this feature is that the filters are non-destructive.;This means you can change the filter, or remove it completely, at any time. You do this using the Edit option in the native Photos app.

    To access the filters in the Camera app, tap;the Filters icon at the top right corner.

    Swipe through the filters at the bottom of the screen until you find one you like. If you decide you dont want to use a filter, select Original.

    There are three categories of filters: Vivid, Dramatic, and Black & White. The Warm filters add yellow/orange hues to your photo, and the Cool filters add blue tones.

    These different filters can dramatically change the mood of your photo. So ensure you choose a filter that suits the scene and creates the mood you want to convey.

    The black and white filters are perfect for creating a timeless feel. They can emphasize contrast in a scene, and add drama to your image. You can also use them to remove distracting colors from the final image.

    Open The iPhone Photo Editor In The Photos App

    So, how do you open the photo editing tools in the iPhone Photos app?

    Just open the photo you want to edit, then tap Edit at the top right of the screen.

    In the iPhone photo editor, there are three icons at the bottom of the screen. Or if youre editing a Live Photo, there will be four icons.

    These icons give you access to a range of editing tools for improving your image.

    Now youll learn how to edit pictures on iPhone using these photo editing tools.

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    Hdr iPhone Settings & Options

    First, if you have an iPhone X and earlier, you need to decide whether or not you want your iPhone to save just the HDR photo, or both the HDR photo and the normal photo. The pro of saving both is that you can review each and choose which you like the best. The con is that saving both takes up more storage on your iPhone, which isn’t a problem if you go through your photos and delete the version you dont want to keep. But its something to keep in mind.

    Position The Horizon In Landscapes

    Enable the iPhone Camera Grid to Take Better Pictures

    If youre shooting landscapes, the rule of thirds is one of the first things you should think about when composing your photo.

    In general, landscapes dont look good if the horizon is positioned directly across the center of the photo. Positioning the horizon centrally tends to chop the photo in half, and isnt very pleasing to the eye.

    For a more naturally balanced composition, its best to place the horizon on or near one of the horizontal thirds lines. Whether you position it on the top or bottom gridline will depend on;what you want to emphasize in the scene.

    If the sky is more interesting than the foreground, like this beautiful sunset captured by Janice, it makes sense to position the horizon on the bottom thirds line.

    This allows you to fill two thirds of the frame with sky, drawing the viewers attention to that;part of the scene.

    However, if your landscape has an interesting foreground, then you should consider aligning the horizon along the top thirds line.

    Stella Oliver; iPhone Photo Masters Student

    In this stunning beach photo taken by Stella, the lines, textures and reflections in the foreground add lots of visual interest to the scene.

    So in this case, Stella made a great choice to position the horizon along the top thirds lines, so that the foreground takes up a larger portion of the;photo.

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