Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is iPhone Ios Or Android

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Final Takeaway 10 Tips For Keeping Your Mobile Phone Safe And Secure

How to move from Android to iPhone | Apple Support
  • Stay on native app stores and stay off third-party app stores. As a rule of thumb, you should stick to the Apple, Google Play, or Microsoft stores. Even in the official stores, you should be reading app reviews and searching trusted sites for more information.
  • Never download apps without verifying their safety first. Most phones have settings that allow you to verify any apps coming from unknown sources before downloading. However, always find and read reviews to prevent suspicious apps on your device.
  • Always update to the latest OS version as soon as possible. Security patches included in these updates are critical to your phones security. This simple process can stop entire families of malware from winning the battle of your data wars.
  • Consider replacing your phone once it is unsupported by the OS. Outdated phones are teeming with unpatched exploits that hackers intentionally seek out and abuse. Getting a newer, supported phone will help you keep yourself protected from a data breach .
  • Set up remote data wiping. By allowing remote data deletion, you can log into a web service via any internet browser and clear your phone of all data. This is an essential service if your device is ever lost or stolen.
  • Enable password protection on your OS, apps, and services when possible. All information can be used to compromise your security no matter how seemingly insignificant. Complex passwords stored in a password manager will help you stay safe.
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    iPhone 13 Review: Price And Storage

    Available right now, the iPhone 13 starts at $799 for 128GB of storage , and that goes up to $899 for 256GB and $1,099 for 512GB. In the U.K. the entry-level model starts at £779, with the 256GB handset coming ins at £879, and the 512GB model hitting £1,079.

    These are hardly cheap phones but you can save with trade-in offers from Apple as well as from wireless carriers, and there are plenty of discounts available. Do make sure to check out our iPhone 13 deals page for the latest offers. And see the iPhone 13 Cyber Monday deals for really big savings.

    Battery Life And Charging

    As one of the biggest complaints from smartphone owners, battery life is a huge factor. Its difficult to compare the two platforms because theres no common hardware. iOS is optimized to squeeze the most out of the battery per mAh rating, but you can buy an Android device with a much bigger battery that will easily outlast the iPhone.

    Both Android and iOS allow you to see your battery usage at a glance, broken down by app, but only Android shows an estimate of how much battery life you have left. They both offer power-saving modes that can extend your battery life by limiting performance, connectivity, and other power-sapping features, but precisely how it works is generally more customizable on Android.

    For a long time, Android had an advantage in the charging department, because many Android phones offered fast-charging capabilities and wireless charging. However, Apples iPhone 11, iPhone X, and even the iPhone SE adopted wireless charging and fast charging, so theyre not that far behind. Its worth noting that you have to buy the fast-charging adapter separately for some iPhone models, whereas its usually provided in the box with an Android phone. Apple supplied a fast charger with the iPhone 11 Pro, but that was one of the last iPhones to come with any charger. From the iPhone 12 onwards, youll have to buy a charger separately, as iPhones now only come with a Lightning-to-USB-C cable.

    Winner: Android

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    Android 12 Review: Bigger Focus On Privacy

    Privacy has become a big deal in recent years, and Android historically hasnt had the best reputation in this regard. From apps constantly tracking you to the sheer amount of data that Google collects from each device, Android is a far cry from a private system.

    At the core of Android 12 is the Private Compute Core and Privacy Dashboard. The latter is pretty self-explanatory and Ill come back to it in a minute. Its the PCC that interests me its essentially a separate partition that Google uses to house the data it needs to train the AI functions like Now Playing and Enhanced auto-rotate. The information stored here never leaves your device.

    Private Compute Core is Googles workaround for keeping your data private while also providing the best AI features for your Pixel. If anything, its long overdue and Im glad to see it here in Android 12. But it also goes hand-in-hand with the Privacy Dashboard, which is a more user-focused addition to Android 12. Here, you can see which apps have called on various permissions notably location, camera, and microphone. Its basically a tell-all for what your apps are doing in the background.

    Our security expert Paul Wagenseil has already broken down the new privacy and security stuff for Android 12 and the Pixel 6 . You can read more about the Android 12 privacy and security upgrades if youd like.

    iPhone Vs Android: Which Is More Secure


    Looking for an iPhone or Android device? Here’s our assessment of the security of each OS, including source-code, app stores, and update frequencies.

    Android and iOS are the leading mobile platforms today, and each of them has its selling point. Both Android and Apple keep updating their privacy and security features to combat the latest threats and vulnerabilities.

    But which of these mobile Operating Systems wins in terms of security? Some people claim it’s iOS, some stand with Android, while others feel it’s an equal share. So Apple vs. Android: which is most secure?

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    Ios 15 Review: Notification Changes

    Apple’s attempts to do away with distractions don’t stop with Focus. The company is taking another stab at streamlining notifications in iOS 15. App icons on notifications are now larger, making them easier to spot at a glance so that you can determine if this notification is really worth your time incoming messages will show the contact photo you’ve assigned to a person in the Contacts app.

    You also have the option to temporarily mute notifications, either for an hour or a day. Just swipe left on the notifications to bring options, which now include your expanded choices for muting. iOS 15 is also smart enough to suggest you mute a conversation if you havent replied in a while.

    The biggest change to notifications, though, is Apple’s new notifications summary, which you set up in the Notifications section of the Settings app. When setting up a notifications summary, you can decide which app notifications you only need to see at select times of the day those will then appear in on-screen summary at a time of your choosing, so you can skim through updates you may have missed without feeling bombarded throughout the day.

    I’ve found the summary to be a clever way to discover when new podcast episodes are available without having that info interrupt me during my work day. And iOS 15.2 cleans up the notifications summary interface a little bit, so it doesn’t feel as cluttered as before.

    Choosing Between Ios And Android

    As Part 1 and Part 2 above demonstrate, there aren’t major differences between iOS and Android so if you are still majorly confused about which one to choose, here’s a comparison that might come in handy.

    Pros and Cons of iOS:

    â¢With iOS there is a distinct advantage for tablet apps. They can get the same Smartphone apps on their tablets.

    â¢Social media updates on the iOS platform are easier and quicker because of the fact integration with Facebook and Twitter is deeper as compared to the Android platform.

    â¢Certain iOS apps like FaceTime, Square and Mobile payments are available on the iOS and only certain Android devices.

    â¢The interface on the iOS platform is locked down. You are only allowed limited customization options for the home screens and there are no third part apps pre-installed on the device. Also app installation can only be done from the App Store.

    â¢A major advantage of iOS is that Apple offers software upgrade for all devices automatically. This ensures that the devices remain current a factor that boosts performance.

    â¢Apple also offers better privacy controls especially when it comes to app permissions and the type of user’s private information the apps can request during installation.

    â¢You will not be able to install apps that are not on the app store unless the device is jailbroken. This limitation is a hindrance to iOS device users who want to try an app that is not available on the app store.

    Pros and Cons of Android:

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    iPhones Keep Their Resale Value Longer

    iPhones are better investments if you consider their value depreciation over time. The iPhones are generally more well built and have better hardware-software integration than Android smartphones, and also people tend to still like them more. That is why an iPhone does not lose as much of its initial value after one or two years of use, than any Android smartphone you could name.

    Do You Use Android Or Ios Like It Or Not That Choice May Mean Something For Your Business

    Switch to iPhone from Android with the Move to iOS app
    • There were 3.2 billion global smartphone users in 2019. That number is expected to become nearly 4 billion in 2021.
    • Since 2012, Android has had a consistent lead in market share versus Apple, according to Statista.
    • As of last September, 51.8% of American smartphone owners had an Android device, while 47.4% owned an Apple device. Just 0.2% still had a Blackberry.

    Since 2007, Apple and Google have been in a constant struggle to get in your pocket. Since the introduction of the smartphone operating systems Android and iOS, both companies have tried to leverage their international multi-billion-dollar brands to not only sell more devices but also to be the one that helps people organize their professional and personal lives.

    More than a decade of competition may have brought about similarities between the two platforms, but enough differences still exist to leave business consumers asking one question: “Which is better for my small business: Android or iOS?”

    While it’s impossible to empirically determine which operating system is better, given the highly subjective nature of brand loyalties and other extenuating factors, we’re going to break down some of the security, hardware, cost, and software differences that can help you decide for yourself what you need in a new mobile business companion.

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    Use The Apps You Want Not The Apps Google Wants You To

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Apple added the ability to set your default app for email or web browsing in iOS 14, but that’s it.

    Google has always given Android users the ability to set their default apps for a number of different tasks. Want to use a different app for text messaging than what came preinstalled? Do it. In fact, as your default app for its sweet chat features that are getting closer to being an iMessage equivalent.

    Finding the setting for default apps can take a little digging, but at least it’s there.

    It isn’t hard to see which apps have been labeled as default on your Android device: Open the Settings app and go to Apps & notifications> Default apps. To change the defaults, select the app category, such as Phone app or Browser app and choose from the options.

    Google Assistant is always ready for you.

    Is The Apple iPhone 13 Worth Buying

    In 2020, Apple revamped a lot of the design aspects of its iPhones. It brought back the boxy design of the iPhone 4, changed the rear camera module design, and made other refinements. It also introduced the .

    In 2021, Apple left things mostly the same. Sure, the fronts of the phones have a slightly smaller notch, the internals are better, and there are plenty of new features. Overall, though, if you already own an iPhone 12, there probably isnt enough here to warrant a one-year upgrade.

    Our reviews: |

    That being said, if you dont already own an iPhone or have one that is several years old, the Apple iPhone 13 lineup is now the best the company has on offer. They have the fastest processor, the best cameras, the newest features, and perhaps best of all larger batteries.

    Of course, there are plenty of Android phones out there that will match or even exceed most elements of the latest iPhones. Scroll down to our alternatives section for more on that.

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    Ios Vs Android: Security

    If security is an important issue for you, then you may prefer Apples iOS. Its a more closed, secure system than Android, with a carefully monitored apps store. Youll find a lot less viruses floating around whereas just this past week weve heard of many Android handsets being infected by a fake .

    While Android as a whole is less secure and apps that you download from Google Play arent as closely vetted, generally its just a case of common sense. Think twice before downloading anything and be aware of phishing scams and you should be fine. Plus, theres plenty of anti-virus software available if youre paranoid.

    Plus, on the flip side, Android owners have greater freedom to install what they choose, with support for third-party app stores like .

    Both iOS and Android devices now offer fingerprint sensors and other security measures to keep thieving types out of your personal, private data. Youll also find location tracking features on both ecosystems.

    Don’t Like Siri Use Google Assistant

    Android e iOS están en el 99,6% de los móviles: más duopolio que nunca

    One of the apps Google has made available on the iPhone that’s worth pointing out is Google Assistant. I know Siri has a bad reputation in some ways, and I won’t get into that debate here, but for those who wish to use Google’s virtual assistant over Apple’s, you can .

    But that doesn’t solve the problem of not being able to say, “Hey, Google” and have your iPhone respond. In order to do that, you’ll need to create a Shortcut in the Shortcuts app that will use Siri to launch Google Assistant.

    With Google Assistant installed on your phone, open the Shortcuts app and tap on the plus sign to create a new shortcut. Tap Add Action> Apps> Assistant> Ask Google and turn off Show When Run. Name the Shortcut either “Hey, Google” or “OK, Google.”

    The next time you want to talk to Google Assistant, activate Siri and then use the name of your Shortcut.

    For example, you can say “Hey, Siri, OK, Google, what’s the weather?” And Siri will pass your request to the Google Assistant app.

    It’s clunky and not ideal, but if you really don’t like Siri, it’ll get the job done.

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    Ios Is A Secure Walled Garden While Android Is An Open Mess

    The apps that run on iPhones are more strictly controlled by Apple. After all, on an iPhone, you can download apps only from the App Store, while on Android smartphones you can get apps from anywhere you like. For example, companies like Epic Games decided to distribute their software outside of the Play Store. The popular game Fortnite is distributed for the iPhone using the App Store, while Fortnite for Android, you must get it directly from Epic Games.

    There are countless alternative stores that compete with Google’s Play Store, and most of them are not what you would call secure. Not to mention the fact that Android lets you install apps from .apk files which can come from anywhere and can contain any form of malware. In Apple’s ecosystem that is almost impossible.

    Android Version Market Share

    Heres a table that shows the Android version market share from 2016 to 2020.

    Here are a few noteworthy Android-specific statistics to better paint the picture of the breadth of its global market share:

    • According to the IDC, Androids smartphone market share is expected to peak at 85.5% by 2022.
    • The Google Play Store maintains the most apps created by developers in its vast library, with an estimated 2.87 million apps for users to select from.
    • In this same vein, by October 2020, there were approximately 385,551 gaming apps available on Google Play.

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    The iPhone Batteries Tend To Have A Smaller Capacity

    The batteries used on iPhones are usually smaller than the ones you find on similar Android smartphones. Although Apple uses advanced hardware and software optimizations to enhance battery life, iPhones still lag behind Android devices in this regard. Even more, it looks like the last few generations of iPhones, after iPhone 6, have some issues with their batteries. After a year or so, they start failing rapidly and need to be replaced. My personal opinion is that Apple wanted to make thinner batteries so that the iPhones could be thinner, and during that process, it decided to use weaker batteries. Beautiful design but poor battery life. It looks like the newest iPhones are driven by the “live fast, die young, leave a nice body behind” saying.

    Choose Your Content And Wait


    On your Android device, select the content that you want to transfer and tap Continue. Theneven if your Android device shows that the process is completeleave both devices alone until the loading bar that appears on your iOS device finishes. The whole transfer can take a while, depending on how much content you’re moving.

    Here’s what gets transferred: contacts, message history, camera photos and videos, photo albums, files and folders, accessibility settings, display settings, web bookmarks, mail accounts, and calendars. If they’re available on both Google Play and the App Store, some of your free apps will also transfer. After the transfer completes, you can download any free apps that were matched from the App Store.

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